AutoForm offers software solutions for the die-making and sheet metal forming industries along the entire process chain. With 300 employees dedicated to this field, AutoForm is recognized as the leading provider of software for product manufacturability, tool and material cost calculation, die face design and virtual process optimization. All of the Top 20 automotive OEMs and most of their suppliers have selected AutoForm as their software of choice.
Mönckebergstraße 11, 20095 Hamburg
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Groß- & Einzelhandel
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Schlüsselwörter: AutoForm Engineering, software, solution, software solution, simulation, deep drawing
AutoForm offers software solutions for the die-making and sheet metal forming industries along the entire process chain. With 300 employees dedicated to this field, AutoForm is recognized as the leading provider of software for product manufacturability, tool and material cost calculation, die face design and virtual process optimization. All of the Top 20 automotive OEMs and most of their suppliers have selected AutoForm as their software of choice.
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